Sensation Records

SKU spc041 Category

Sami Koivikko – Paajaasa / Dore

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The Spectral iteration of the Ghostly 15 mixes comes courtesy of Derek Plaslaiko
(who recently completed a grueling 12 hour Boiler Room out of his home in Berlin)

Some words from Plaslaiko on the emergence of Spectral Sound & the mix he has curated below:

“I met Sam Valenti IV in the later years of the 90’s just after he started the Ghostly International label.
I feel like I almost instantly connected with Ghostly due to the music, but also because of the asthetic.
Sam & I had more than a couple conversations about labels like Factory and 4AD and how the art was synonymously as important as the music it accompanied.
I couldn’t agree with him more!




12", Vinyl




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