Sensation Records

SKU ne20136yellow Category Tag

Kerri Chandler – The Mood EP (Yellow)

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There’s a bountiful amount of chunkiness to be savoured on this prime reissue of classic Kerri Chandler, reaching back to ’98 and the bastion of soul-enriched house music, Nervous Records, to deliver the kind of heat that has made Chandler one of the undisputed greats of the scene.
“Just Livin'” positively oozes class with its wigged out synth lines, dense and clattering drums and unmistakable bump, while “Dream Scape” takes things in a softer direction buffeted along by a pumping beat while the melodies stay smooth and sweet on top. “Union City Nights” injects a little Latin passion into proceedings, and “Rain” is of course one of Chandler’s most iconic moments, all shuffling hats, delicate chimes and soulful vox. A highly worthy reissue.






12", Coloured, Vinyl, Yellow


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