Sensation Records

SKU mty-eau Category

Various – L’Eau Repousse Les Feux Agressifs

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IT’S RAINING TRACKS : After three successful collaborative releases on Mama Told Ya over the past few months, Anetha quenches our unquenchable thirst with MTY-EAU, a brand new compilation: 4 vinyls, 16 tracks, 18 artists – one madly diluvian project featuring Varg and Croatian Amor, UFO95, Anetha, Tommy Holohan, X-Coast , EMMA DJ, Less Distress, Sugar, ABSL, Quest?Onmarc , Ryan James Ford, ISAbella Le Dom, FAKETHIAS, Rhys Jelson, Jardin and Certain Smith

Entitled “L’eau repousse les feux agressifs”, it will be the first of a series around the four elements. Source of inspiration, Water teaches us acceptance. It completely flows in this first opus, as into the spirits – in “quarantine” at that time – of the guest artists.

No sluices, zero dams and a lot of free time, the opportunity to dare more… experimental streams. Mama Told Ya is therefore innovating, although there is some for all tastes in each and every vinyl: torrent of fast disjoncted techno, cloudburst of acid, trance and hyper-saturation, downpour of experimental or even electronic-rap vocoder…. RAIN. ON. ME.! To be savoured chilled at home or boiling, in a club.

The artwork has this time been entrusted to visual artist Karin Kimel, who delivers a version of the world through an aquatic 3D prism in which only the fragments of a boiling underwater volcano remain.

With a profoundly dramatic intro, « Bully » immediately immerses us in the icy Scandinavian waters, on the verge of hydrocution. An epic, almost mystical opening, heralding the impending flood. Water then, in all its temperaments, under all its temperatures, spreads everywhere, throughout the listening, sometimes soothing, sometimes thundering. Under pressure in « EXTREMELY URGENT », it even becomes irrepressible. Next follows a demented race set to submerge everything. Open valves and sinks, overflowing swimming pools, flash floods, storms and tsunamis, endless monsoons, melting ice and glaciers… It is ultimately a liquid world, entirely drowned under water that we find in « 5th generation », outro of a new genre which invites to reinvent the future, and why not Mama Told Ya’s future.


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12", 4 x Vinyl, Compilation, Limited, Translucent


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