Sensation Records

Order on time - Holidays are coming. 

Various – 22247004

Availability: In stock

Four new sinister electro missives from Barcelona’s 22recordings, this time welcoming producers LVCA, Leff, F_phono, and Mama to the fore. In keeping with the label’s usual V/A palette, the tracks here skew less towards the apocalyptic wasteland and more towards the dimly-lit dungeon, preferring cutoff-filtered spasms and kitsch sqaure-wave buzzes to mechy mayhem. That being said, there are still impressive uses of robotic vocals and cybernetic cacophonies, as on the closer ‘Trincia’, a reflective sonic hall of mirrors through which first brushes of a future human body can be heard.




12", EP, Limited, Vinyl


SKU 22247004
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